NIFA CLG Membership Application

    Please complete the application form below. Alternatively you can download and return this form to us.
    Full name*
    Phone Number*
    Postal Address*
    Name and registration number of the relevant vessel*
    Is all of your income derived from Inshore Fishing, or do you have an alternative source of income?*
    If you have another source(s) of income outside of commercial Inshore fishing roughly what percentage of your overall income do they make up?*
    Do you actively skipper/operated the above named vessel yourself?*
    Are you currently or have you previously been involved in other fishing representative organisation e.g. Producer Organisations (POs).*
    If the answer to the above question is yes briefly elaborate.
    Do you or any of your immediate family members own, part own or have any involvement in the ownership of fishing vessels other to the vessel above? *
    If the answer to the above question is Yes briefly elaborate by including names and registration numbers of other vessels.
    Are you or any members of your immediate family involved in any way in the business of Fish Processing/buying?*
    If the answer to he above question is Yes please briefly elaborate.
    NIFA Membership Policy*
    Code of Conduct*